
Installing Anaconda or Miniconda

If not already done, install conda (Miniconda is sufficient). To do so, see the official documentation.

Installing PyTorchRL library

  1. Set up conda environment.

    conda create -y -n pytorchrl # requires python3.7 or above
    conda activate pytorchrl
  2. Install dependencies.

    conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit -c pytorch
  3. Install package. It can be installed either via PyPI or from source.

    # PyPI installation
    pip install pytorchrl
    # source installation
    git clone
    cd pytorchrl
    python -m pip install -e .
  4. To quickly test if installation was successful you can execute the following script, which runs a few training steps of the AC2 algorithm on the CartPole-v0 environment.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import gym
from pytorchrl import Learner
from pytorchrl.scheme import Scheme
from pytorchrl.agent.algos import A2C
from pytorchrl.agent.env import VecEnv
from pytorchrl.agent.storages import VanillaOnPolicyBuffer
from pytorchrl.agent.actors import OnPolicyActor

def cartpole_train_env_factory(seed=0):
    env = gym.make("CartPole-v0")
    return env

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # 1. Define Train Vector of Envs
    train_envs_factory, action_space, obs_space = VecEnv.create_factory(
        vec_env_size=1, env_fn=cartpole_train_env_factory)

    # 3. Define RL training algorithm
    algo_factory = A2C.create_factory(lr_v=1e-3, lr_pi=1e-3, gamma=0.99)

    # 4. Define RL Policy
    actor_factory = OnPolicyActor.create_factory(obs_space, action_space)

    # 5. Define rollouts storage
    storage_factory = VanillaOnPolicyBuffer.create_factory(size=500)

    # 6. Define scheme
    scheme = Scheme(algo_factory, actor_factory, storage_factory, train_envs_factory)

    # 7. Define learner
    learner = Learner(scheme, target_steps=25000)

    # 8. Define train loop
    while not learner.done():

    print("Successful installation!")